In one of our office kitchen/break room areas sits a wooden math puzzle called the magic hexagon. The puzzle consists of nineteen hexagonal wooden blocks that fit inside a larger hexagonal frame. The goal is to arrange the wooden blocks such that every row of numbers adds up to thirty-eight from edge to edge.

One night after work we sat down to try and solve the puzzle. In what was likely a case of too many cooks spoiling the soup, we mostly argued about the best strategy to use, rather than actually arranging the pieces. After a few minutes, I decided it would be easier to just write a program to solve the puzzle for me.

# Spoiler: the output is as follows
# 3700 checked
#     3   19  16
#   17  7   2   12
# 18  1   5   4   10
#   11  6   8   13
#     9   14  15

In order to solve the problem, I first found valid combinations to form the outer ring of the hexagon, then looked for pieces that could fill in the center. The full program follows.

import itertools
import sys

def triplesValid(edges):
  """Order edges so that each overlaps the next, or return None."""
  flat = sum(edges, ()) # one tuple with all given edge tiles
  counts = [flat.count(i) for i in set(flat)]

  # We need six numbers used once (the middle of each edge) and six
  # numbers used twice (the ends of each edge, which overlap with a
  # neighboring edge)
  if counts.count(1) != 6 or counts.count(2) != 6:
    return None

  # Sort edges so that each overlaps the next, if possible.
  ls = list(edges[0])
  y = set(edges[1:])
  while len(y) > 0:
    for el in y:
      if len(set(ls[-3:]).intersection(el)) > 0:
      return None
  return [tuple(ls[i:i+3]) for i in range(0, len(ls), 3)]

def getTriples():
  """Generate triples that work as hexagon edges.
  Returns all (i, j, k) such that 0 < i < j < k < 20, i + j + k = 38.
  for i in range(1,20):
    for j in range(i+1,20):
      k = 38 - i - j
      if k > j and k <= 19:
        yield (i,j,k)

def getOuterRings():
  for combo in itertools.combinations(getTriples(), 6):
    scombo = triplesValid(combo)
    if scombo:
      allsort = []
      for i in range(0, len(scombo)):
        right = tuple([x for x in scombo[i] if x in scombo[i-1]]
          + [x for x in scombo[i] if (x not in scombo[i-1] and x not in scombo[(i+1)%len(scombo)])]
          + [x for x in scombo[i] if (x not in scombo[i-1] and x in scombo[(i+1)%len(scombo)])])
      yield allsort

def checkCenter(ring, center):
  return (ring[3] + ring[11] + center[0] + center[1] 
    == ring[4] + ring[10] + center[2] + center[3] + center[4]
    == ring[5] + ring[9] + center[5] + center[6]
    == ring[1] + ring[9] + center[0] + center[2]
    == ring[2] + ring[8] + center[1] + center[5] + center[3]
    == ring[3] + ring[7] + center[4] + center[6]
    == ring[0] + ring[6] + center[0] + center[3] + center[6]
    == ring[1] + ring[5] + center[1] + center[4]
    == ring[11] + ring[7] + center[2] + center[5])

def getCenter(out):
  ring = [e for l in [(x,y) for x,y,z in out] for e in l]
  centerels = set(range(1,20)) - set(ring)
  for perm in itertools.permutations(centerels):
    if checkCenter(ring, perm):
      return perm
  return None

def printHex(tups, mid):
  out = [e for l in [(x,y) for x,y,z in tups] for e in l]
  print("  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}".format(out[0], out[1], out[2]))
  print("  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}".format(out[11], mid[0], mid[1], out[3]))
  print("{: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}".format(out[10], mid[2], mid[3], mid[4], out[4]))
  print("  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}".format(out[9], mid[5], mid[6], out[5]))
  print("  {: <2}  {: <2}  {: <2}".format(out[8], out[7], out[6]))

i = 0
for out in getOuterRings():
  if i % 100 == 0:
    sys.stdout.write("\r{} checked".format(i))
  center = getCenter(out)
  if center:
    printHex(out, center)
  i += 1

This code is a bit ugly, but it got me the answer, while my friends all gave up and had a beer instead.